Can I just this once say that I hate cosplay?
If I can't find BASIC, WHITE, COTTON FABRIC on Wednesday = Lonely!Heisuke will move to Tracon.
If I fail to find the fabric mentioned above, I am going to look for BASIC, BLACK, COTTON FABRIC.
If I can't find that either, I can't switch to Western!Heisuke on Animecon Sunday.
If I can't switch to Western!Heisuke, I am going to cosplay Heisuke naked. Wrapped in shinsengumi haori. FFUUUUU---
Okay so yeah, I'm waaaay behind my schedule. Couldn't get much work done last week. It was just too hot in my room, ughh. I can get Rin done, yes, but Heisuke is having some great difficulties with fabric dye, among some other things, and I don't feel too motivated anymore. *sigh* But remaking his western outfit should be no biggie, though I still don't have brown boots and second hand stores are closed for the summer, lol. Fuck me. xD
Miks hajosin tolle kangasjutulle ja naku!Heisuke ajatukselle? XDDD
VastaaPoistaToivottavasti saat innostuksen takaisin ja löydät kankaat!!
NOKUN tahdon cossata Heisukea koska ryhmää yhyy! XDD
PoistaJeh. :C kun nukuin tuossa välissä itkupotkuraivareitani pois niin keksin, että ehkä peli ei ole vielä menetetty. Tarkottaa luultavasti tosin anime-versioon vaihtamista... yhh. Mutta kait sekin ihan... OK olisi... johh. :3
Joo ei anime-versiossa mitään vikaa oo!!!1 :'D
VastaaPoistaToivottavasti löytyy kangasta, pöllit sitä vaikka jostain!! Heisuken täytyy tulla >8DDD
PoistaNo ehkä jotain löydän. Pakko löytääääähhh.